Lizinna is a combined hormonal contraceptive pill (‘the Pill’). You take it to stop getting pregnant.This contraceptive
contains two types of female sex hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. These hormones prevent an egg being
released from your ovaries so you cannot get pregnant. Also, Lizinna makes the fluid (mucus) in your cervix thicker
which makes it more difficult for sperm to enter the womb.
Lizinna is a 21-day Pill – you take one each day for 21 days, followed by 7 days when you take no pills.
The benefits of taking the Pill include:
- it is one of the most reliable reversible methods of contraception if used correctly
- it doesn’t interrupt sex
- it usually makes your periods regular, lighter and less painful
- it may help with pre-menstrual symptoms
Lizinna will not protect you against sexually transmitted infections, such as Chlamydia or HIV. Only condoms can help to do this. Lizinna needs to be taken as directed to prevent pregnancy
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