All reviews are from parents with children older than 6 months and have not been edited by Nutricia.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is best. Follow-on milk should only be used as part of a mixed diet and not as a breastmilk substitute before 6 months. Use on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Preparation instructions on pack must be followed.
No artificial preservatives*
*As per legislation for all Follow-on formula
Cow & Gate Follow-on milk is enriched with important nutrients to support your little one’s nutritional needs, from when they start their weaning journey right up until their first birthday. It contains Iron to support normal cognitive development and DHA (Omega-3) to support normal visual development**.
**Benefit obtained from a daily intake of 100mg DHA.
Updated formulation, Trusted for over 100 years, Calcium DHA (omega-3) vitamin D, iron, Ready to drink, UHT sterilised